How To Attract Woodpeckers To Your Yard | Top 10 Best Tips

Attract woodpeckers to your yard can be a fun and rewarding experience for bird lovers. These birds are known for their unique drumming sounds, striking colors, and fascinating behaviors. Woodpeckers are usually found in dense wooden areas such as forests, woodlands, and parks. However, getting woodpeckers to visit your yard requires some effort and attention to detail. We’ll go over the top ten ways in this article to get woodpeckers in your yard.

Firstly, you need to provide suitable habitat for woodpeckers. They prefer wooded areas with plenty of trees that offer nesting sites, food sources, and cover from predators. Secondly, you should install bird feeders that contain nuts, seeds or suet cakes as these are favorite foods of many species of woodpeckers. Thirdly, providing water sources like birdbaths or fountains is essential for attracting birds of all kinds, including woodpeckers.

How Do You Attract Woodpeckers?

Woodpeckers are fascinating birds to watch, and having them visit your garden can provide hours of entertainment. There are various things you may do if you’re wondering how to get woodpeckers in your yard.
Offering the proper meals is the first step. Woodpeckers love suet, so make sure you have a suet feeder in your yard.

Another way to attract woodpeckers is by providing nesting sites. You can install a nest box specifically designed for woodpeckers or leave dead trees in your yard as natural nesting sites. Woodpeckers also need access to water, so consider adding a bird bath or small pond to your yard.

Finally, creating a welcoming habitat for insects will also attract woodpeckers.

 Tempt With the Right Treats

These birds are known for their striking plumage, distinctive calls, and impressive drilling abilities. But how exactly can you lure these feathered friends into your yard? The answer is simple: tempt them with the right treats!

One of the best methods to attract woodpeckers is by offering a range of nuts and seeds. These birds have strong beaks that are perfectly suited for cracking open tough shells, so they love snacks like peanuts, sunflower seeds, and suet cakes. You can place these treats in specialized bird feeders or simply scatter them around the ground in an area where you’ve spotted woodpecker activity.

Offering fresh fruit to woodpeckers is another technique to draw them in.


How To Attract Woodpeckers To Your Yard | Top 10 Best Tips

Suet is a popular food that attracts woodpeckers and other birds to your backyard. This high-energy food source is made from animal fat, mixed with nuts, seeds, and other additives that are beneficial to birds. Suet can be purchased in pre-made cakes or blocks, or you can make your own using simple ingredients.

To attract woodpeckers with suet, it’s important to place the feeders in areas where they are likely to visit. Woodpeckers tend to live in wooded areas and prefer feeders that are suspended from trees rather than mounted on poles. You may also want to consider adding bark butter or peanut butter to the suet mix for an added attraction.


Go no further than peanuts if you want a guaranteed strategy to entice woodpeckers to your backyard. Several bird species, such as the acorn woodpecker, downy woodpecker, and red-bellied woodpecker, enjoy these delectable nuts. You may easily persuade these lovely birds to eat by placing peanuts in your feeder or on a platform feeder.

The fact that peanuts are rich in protein and fat—two essential components that woodpeckers require for energy and survival—is one factor in their ability to draw them.
In fact, some studies have revealed that during the winter when other food supplies may be low, some species of woodpeckers rely primarily on nuts like peanuts.

Black Oil Sunflower Seeds:

A common kind of birdfeed that can draw a wide variety of birds to your garden are black oil sunflower seeds.
The woodpecker is one bird species that is known to be drawn to black oil sunflower seeds, though. These birds have a unique diet that includes insects and nuts, so they are drawn to the high fat content found in these seeds.

When choosing black oil sunflower seeds for your backyard, it is important to look for high-quality options. Sunflowers grown specifically for birdseed will typically have larger kernels and thinner shells than those grown for human consumption. This makes it easier for woodpeckers and other birds to crack open the shell and access the nutrient-rich kernel inside.

Another way to attract woodpeckers with black oil sunflower seeds is by providing them with a specialized feeder.

Peanut Butter: 

Peanut butter is not just for spreading on toast or making a classic PB&J sandwich.Also, it can be used to draw woodpeckers!
The appropriate methods will allow you to attract these stunning birds into your backyard so you can observe them up close. They are recognised for their vivid colours and distinctive activity.

To start attracting woodpeckers with peanut butter, you’ll need to choose the right feeder. A suet feeder is a great option as it’s specifically designed to hold peanut butter or other high-fat foods that woodpeckers love. Put your preferred brand of peanut butter into the feeder, then hang it outside in a tree or on a pole.
Spreading peanut butter on tree bark is an additional method of luring woodpeckers.


Fruits are not only healthy for humans, but they also attract woodpeckers. The unusual diet of these birds includes a variety of insects, fruits, and nuts.
Fruit tree planting is a great technique to attract more woodpeckers to your garden or backyard.
Apples, pears, cherries, and grapes are some of the greatest fruits for luring woodpeckers.
These fruits, which are rich in sugar, give the birds vital nutrition.

Moreover, fruit trees are simple to locate at neighborhood markets or grocery shops if you don’t have space for them in your yard. These fruits not only draw woodpeckers to your yard, but also other kinds of wildlife. Squirrels and chipmunks love them too!


Mealworms are a fantastic food source for woodpeckers and also give them the vital nutrients they need.
Mealworms contain a lot of protein, which is essential for repairing and constructing muscles. They also contain fat, which provides energy needed for flying and maintaining body temperature.

To attract woodpeckers with mealworms, simply add them to your current bird feeder or invest in a specialized mealworm feeder. Placing the feeder next to trees or other woody places where woodpeckers are likely to be present will attract them. With some patience and persistence, you may soon have these beautiful birds visiting regularly!

Use Woodpecker Specific Feeders

It can be difficult to draw these intriguing birds into your garden or backyard, but with the correct feeder, you can be sure to succeed.
You should purchase feeders designed specifically for woodpeckers for the following reasons: First off, generic bird feeders are unable to satisfy the specialized dietary needs of woodpeckers. They prefer insects and nuts over seeds and grains. Therefore, having a feeder that is designed specifically for their feeding habits will ensure they keep coming back to your yard. Secondly, woodpeckers need sturdy perches due to their sharp claws and strong bills. Most general bird feeders do not provide this type of support that woodpeckers require, which makes them less attractive for these birds.

Suet Feeders

Woodpeckers can be attracted to your backyard using suet feeders. These feeders are specifically designed to hold suet, which is a high-energy food source made of animal fat and other ingredients that birds love. Woodpeckers are especially fond of suet because it provides them with the energy they need to forage for insects and larvae in trees.

To attract woodpeckers with a suet feeder, it’s important to choose the right type of feeder. Look for a feeder that has a sturdy metal cage around the suet block, as this will prevent larger birds from stealing the food. You should also choose a feeder with several perches or branches so that multiple birds can feed at once.

When placing your suet feeder, make sure it is situated in an open area where woodpeckers can easily spot it.

Hopper Feeders:

Hopper feeders are a popular choice for bird enthusiasts who want to attract woodpeckers to their backyard. These types of feeders typically have a large, open tray that is filled with seeds or nuts. The tray is surrounded by walls that protect the food from weather and larger birds.
Woodpeckers are known for their unique feeding habits, which involve drilling into trees to find insects and larvae. However, they also enjoy eating seeds and nuts, making hopper feeders an ideal choice for these beautiful birds. By setting up a hopper feeder in your yard, you can provide woodpeckers with a reliable source of food while enjoying their captivating presence.

To make your hopper feeder even more attractive to woodpeckers, consider adding some suet or peanut butter to the mix.

Platform Feeders:

If you’re looking to attract woodpeckers to your backyard, platform feeders can be a great way to do it! These types of bird feeders are designed with a flat surface that allows birds like woodpeckers and jays to perch and eat. One big advantage of platform feeders is that they can accommodate larger birds that may not fit in other styles of bird feeders.
When choosing a platform feeder for woodpeckers, look for one made from durable materials like metal or recycled plastic. You’ll also want to consider the size and location of the feeder – make sure it’s placed in an area where birds can easily access it, but also where they feel safe from predators. And don’t forget about the food; offering high-quality suet or nuts will be sure to attract these feathered friends!

Nectar Feeders:

Purchasing a nectar feeder is a great method to achieve your goal of luring woodpeckers to your garden or yard.
These distinctive feeders can be used to provide these lovely birds with the ideal environment because they were made with their requirements in mind.
The simplicity of setting up and using nectar feeders is one of its best features.
One may quickly be installed and ready to use with just a few easy steps. Simply choose a spot that’s visible from your window, fill it up with nectar or sugar water, and wait for the woodpeckers to come calling.

Offer Water to Drink and Bathe

A fantastic method to enhance the colour, excitement, and sound of your outside environment is to attract woodpeckers to your backyard.
To do this, it’s critical to create an environment that will inspire these lovely birds to stop by your property frequently.

Woodpeckers are attracted to water sources such as bird baths or small ponds because they need water not only for drinking but also for cleaning their feathers which helps them maintain flight efficiency. A simple bird bath can be easily installed in your backyard with a shallow dish filled with clean water. If possible, add some natural elements such as rocks or tree branches around the bird bath area so that the woodpeckers feel comfortable approaching it.

Provide a Bowl of Water in Winter

One way to attract them is by providing a bowl of water in your yard.

Woodpeckers are attracted to water sources, especially during the winter months when natural sources may freeze over or become limited. By providing a consistent source of water in a visible location, you increase the chances of attracting these beautiful birds to your yard.

Make sure the bowl you choose for the water source is both wide enough for the woodpeckers to perch on and deep enough to prevent excessive drying. You can also add rocks or stones inside the bowl for perching options and visual appeal.

Install the Right Birdhouse

Installing the right birdhouse can help you attract woodpeckers to your backyard. When choosing a birdhouse, it’s important to consider the size and shape of the house, as well as its location. Woodpeckers are cavity nesters, meaning they prefer a hole or cavity in a tree or structure to build their nests. By providing them with an appropriate nesting site, you can increase your chances of attracting these beautiful birds.

The size of the birdhouse opening is crucial when trying to attract woodpeckers. They favour holes with a diameter of between 1 14 and 1 12 inches.
The house should also have a minimum depth of eight inches to give the birds adequate room to comfortably build their nests.

Keep Your Birdhouse Clean

Keeping your birdhouse clean is an essential aspect of attracting woodpeckers. A dirty birdhouse can be a breeding ground for pests, bacteria and disease, which can harm the birds that you want to attract. Ensuring that your birdhouse is cleaned regularly will not only improve the health of your feathered visitors but also maintain the overall hygiene of your yard.

It’s crucial to follow some safety precautions when cleaning your birdhouse.
First and foremost, protect yourself from any dangerous particles or bacteria that may be present within the house by wearing gloves and a mask. Secondly, use hot water and soap to clean both the interior and exterior surfaces of the birdhouse thoroughly. Scrubbing with a brush will help remove any stubborn dirt or stains.

In conclusion, maintaining good hygiene around your birdhouses is crucial in attracting woodpeckers.

Don’t Cut Dead Trees

Don’t cut down dead trees! They are not only crucial for the ecosystem, but they also draw a wide range of wildlife. The woodpecker is one species of bird that is particularly drawn to dead trees. By eating insects and making holes in trees that other animals can use as shelter, these birds contribute significantly to the health of forest ecosystems.

Leaving dead or dying trees standing is a fantastic technique to draw woodpeckers to your yard. It is well known that woodpeckers utilise their characteristic drumming activity to communicate with one another and to identify their territory. You’ll be giving them everything they require to grow by offering them a natural habitat.

Besides from luring woodpeckers, leaving dead trees standing has further advantages.

Build Nest Boxes

The size of the bird and its unique requirements should be taken into account while creating a nest box for woodpeckers. The size of the entrance hole should be large enough for the bird, but not too big that predators can access it easily. It’s also recommended that you use untreated wood or plywood for constructing the box, as chemicals from treated wood can harm the birds. Additionally, ensure that there is sufficient drainage in case of rainwater accumulation.

 Make a Woodpecker-Friendly Landscape

Woodpeckers are beautiful and fascinating birds that are known for their unique behaviors such as drumming, pecking, and excavating trees. If you want to attract these amazing creatures to your yard, then creating a woodpecker-friendly landscape is the key. Here are some tips to get you started:

Firstly, provide a variety of trees in your landscape, as different species of woodpeckers prefer different types of trees. For instance, flickers love large dead trees, while downy woodpeckers like smaller ones. Secondly, leave dead or dying branches on the tree as they serve as natural food sources for these birds, especially during winter months when insects are scarce. Thirdly, create nesting cavities by drilling holes in standing dead trees or installing nest boxes.

Place a Roosting Box in Winter

If you’re looking to attract woodpeckers to your yard this winter, consider placing a roosting box. These specially designed boxes provide shelter for the birds during cold weather and can be a great addition to any backyard birdwatching setup.

Roosting boxes are typically made from wood and have an entrance hole that is the perfect size for woodpeckers to enter and exit comfortably. They also have insulation to keep the birds warm during cold nights. By offering a shelter, you’ll draw not only woodpeckers but also other little birds that might look for safety in your yard.
It’s critical to position your roosting box correctly to ensure its effectiveness. Woodpeckers prefer areas with mature trees or wooded areas with plenty of vegetation nearby.

Woodpecker Species You Can Attract

Are you looking to attract woodpeckers to your backyard? These fascinating birds are a joy to watch and can be beneficial for controlling insects in your garden. With the proper habitat and food sources, you may draw in a variety of woodpecker species.
The Downy Woodpecker is a species of woodpecker that is frequently encountered in North America.
These tiny birds have striking black and white streaks on their feathers and are just 6 inches long. They feed on insects, seeds, and nuts, so providing suet or peanut butter at a bird feeder can help attract them.

Another woodpecker species to consider attracting is the Pileated Woodpecker. These larger birds have striking red crests on their heads and are known for their loud calls. They prefer large trees with plenty of deadwood for nesting sites and feeding on insects like carpenter ants.

Woodpeckers Found in the USA & Canada

Downy Woodpeckers:

With their stunning black and white plumage and red patches on their heads, Downy Woodpeckers are a sight to behold.
One of the most widespread woodpecker species in North America are these birds. If you’re a bird enthusiast, attracting them to your yard is an excellent way to observe these beautiful creatures up close.

Attracting Downy Woodpeckers can be achieved by providing the right food sources and habitat. These birds prefer areas with trees, especially those that have dead or decaying branches. They feed on insects such as ants, beetles, caterpillars, and spiders that they find in the bark crevices of trees. You can also offer suet cakes and peanut butter as supplemental food sources which they enjoy.

Planting native berry bushes or fruit trees can also attract Downy Woodpeckers to your yard.

Hairy Woodpeckers:

The Hairy Woodpecker is among the most interesting birds to view.
They can be identified by their peculiar calls, resonant tree drumming, and stunning black and white plumage.

If you want to attract woodpeckers to your backyard, the Hairy Woodpecker is an excellent choice.

By offering them a convenient source of food, you can attract Hairy Woodpeckers in one of the simplest methods possible. Setting up a bird feeder with suet or mealworms can be a highly efficient way to attract these birds to your yard because they mostly eat insects. Additionally, they also enjoy nuts and seeds such as sunflower seeds or peanuts.

Another way to attract Hairy Woodpeckers is by providing them with nesting sites. These birds prefer wooded areas with mature trees that have dead branches or cavities where they can build their nests.

Northern Flickers:

Northern Flickers, also known as Colaptes auratus, are fascinating woodpeckers that can be found throughout North America. These birds are commonly seen in forests, woodlands, and even suburban settings. They have a distinctive appearance with their spotted plumage and long bill.

If you’re interested in attracting Northern Flickers to your yard or garden, there are several things you can do. First and foremost, provide them with a suitable habitat. This means having plenty of trees and shrubs for them to perch on and nest in. You can also offer food by putting out suet or mealworms in feeders designed specifically for woodpeckers.

Another way to attract Northern Flickers is by providing nesting boxes. These should be at least 10 inches deep with an entrance hole large enough for the bird to fit through.

Pileated Woodpeckers:

Pileated woodpeckers are fascinating creatures that can add life to any backyard or garden. These large, striking birds are easily recognizable with their bright red crest, black and white feathers, and impressive size of up to 19 inches long. Pileated woodpeckers are known for their loud drumming on trees which can be heard from afar.

To attract pileated woodpeckers to your yard, you should provide them with a habitat that is similar to their natural environment. This means having plenty of mature trees around for them to nest in as well as providing access to food sources such as nuts, seeds, fruits or insects. Consider installing bird feeders with suet cakes or mealworms which are popular choices among these birds.

Red-Headed Woodpeckers:

Red-headed woodpeckers are typically found in open woodland areas with plenty of dead trees or snags for nesting and feeding. They prefer mature forests with a mix of deciduous and evergreen trees, but they can also be attracted to suburban areas if appropriate conditions are met. Consider planting native trees and shrubs that offer cover and food sources like insects, berries, nuts, and seeds to create a habitat that is appropriate for these birds.

Red Bellied Woodpeckers: 

Red bellied woodpeckers are a striking sight in any backyard, with their vibrant red heads and black and white striped backs. There are various actions you may take if you want to entice these lovely birds to your garden.
Then, check to see that your land is well-lit by trees. Red bellied woodpeckers prefer mature forests with plenty of tall trees for roosting and hunting insects.

Another way to attract red-bellied woodpeckers is by providing them with food sources. These birds love suet cakes and peanut butter-filled feeders, which mimic the insects that they naturally hunt for in the wild. You can also plant fruit trees like apple or plum, which will attract a variety of other bird species as well.

Lewis’s Woodpeckers:

You can take a number of steps to improve your chances of luring Lewis’s Woodpeckers to your garden. One simple step is to provide ample food sources, such as suet or mealworms. You can also create a suitable nesting environment by adding hollowed-out logs or bird boxes in safe locations around your property.

Another important factor in attracting Lewis’s Woodpeckers is maintaining a healthy and diverse ecosystem in your area. This entails the planting of native trees and plants that serve as food and cover for birds as well as the avoidance of the use of toxic pesticides and other chemicals that might endanger these lovely animals.

Red-Naped Sapsuckers:

Red-Naped Sapsuckers are a species of woodpecker that can add beauty to any garden or backyard. These birds are native to North America and can be found in the western regions of the United States and Canada. If you’re looking to attract woodpeckers, Red-Naped Sapsuckers should be on your list.

One way to attract these birds is by planting trees or shrubs that produce berries or fruits. Hawthorn, elderberry, and service berry are some of their favorites. You can also put up a bird feeder with suet, nuts, or seeds. Red-Naped Sapsuckers are known for their love of sap, so drilling small holes in a tree trunk and filling them with sugar water is another way to entice them into your garden.

Woodpeckers Found in Europe, Especially the UK

European Green Woodpeckers:

European Green Woodpeckers are one of the most fascinating birds to observe. Their bright green plumage, striking red cap and black mustache make them stand out in any backyard or garden. These birds are renowned for their peculiar calls as well, which are audible from a great distance.
There are various things you may do to entice European Green Woodpeckers to your garden or yard. First, provide plenty of trees and shrubs that produce fruit or berries, as these will attract insects that woodpeckers love to feed on. You can also install bird feeders with suet blocks or peanut butter cakes – this is an excellent way to entice woodpeckers into your garden.

Great Spotted Woodpeckers:

The magnificent great spotted woodpecker is a type of bird that is widespread throughout the world.
These birds are easily recognised thanks to their striking black and white feathers.
Woodpeckers are a terrific method to increase the wildlife in your garden if you enjoy bird watching or simply want to do so.

One of the best ways to attract great spotted woodpeckers is by providing them with food sources. They love nuts, seeds, and suet cakes, so consider putting out some feeders in your garden or on your balcony. You can also plant trees and shrubs that produce nuts or berries to provide natural food sources for these birds.

Another way to attract great spotted woodpeckers is by creating nesting sites for them.

Lesser Spotted Woodpeckers: 

Lesser spotted woodpeckers are a joy to watch in the backyard. These small birds are known for their striking red cap and black and white plumage, making them easily recognizable. While they may be lesser known than their larger cousin, the great spotted woodpecker, attracting these birds to your yard is easier than you might think.
The first step in attracting lesser spotted woodpeckers is providing the right habitat. They prefer wooded areas with plenty of mature trees and a mix of open spaces and dense cover. If you have a small backyard, consider planting native trees such as oak or hickory that provide natural food sources like acorns or nuts. It’s also important to provide fresh water for drinking or bathing, which can be achieved through bird baths or even a simple dish filled with water.

Another way to attract these delightful birds is by offering food sources they love.

Grey-Headed Woodpeckers:

Grey-Headed Woodpeckers are fascinating birds with striking colors that can add color and excitement to any garden or backyard. These woodpeckers are scientifically known as Picus canus, and they are widely distributed in Europe and parts of Asia. Grey-Headed Woodpeckers have a unique physical appearance with a grey head, black-and-white striped wings, and a distinctive red patch on their belly.
If you want to attract these beautiful birds to your garden or backyard, there are several things you can do. Firstly, consider adding suitable nesting boxes that mimic the natural environment of the Grey-Headed Woodpecker. It’s also important to provide a variety of food sources for them such as insects, nuts, fruits, seeds, and suet. Additionally, make sure there’s enough space for them to perch on branches of trees or birdhouses around your home.

Grey-Headed Woodpeckers:

Grey-Headed Woodpeckers are fascinating birds with striking colors that can add color and excitement to any garden or backyard. These woodpeckers are scientifically known as Picus canus, and they are widely distributed in Europe and parts of Asia. The Grey-Headed Woodpecker has a striking look, with a grey head, black and white striped wings, and a bright red patch on its abdomen.
You may do a number of things to draw these beautiful birds into your garden or backyard.
Consider first adding adequate nesting boxes that replicate the original habitat of the Grey-Headed Woodpecker.

Also, it’s essential to provide them with a range of foods, including as insects, nuts, fruits, seeds, and suet. Additionally, make sure there’s enough space for them to perch on branches of trees or birdhouses around your home.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Is it common for woodpeckers to drink from hummingbird feeders?

It is not uncommon for woodpeckers to drink from hummingbird feeders as they share similar diets. Hummingbird nectar consists of sugar and water which provides the necessary energy for both birds during flight. Woodpeckers also enjoy feeding on insects, fruits, seeds, and nuts in addition to nectar. Therefore, it’s not surprising that they would occasionally visit hummingbird feeders.

What colors are woodpeckers attracted to?

If you’re looking to attract woodpeckers, it’s important to know which colors they prefer.
First and foremost, red is the color that attracts woodpeckers the most. The reason behind this is that many insects that live under tree bark have a reddish hue. Woodpeckers have learned this over time and are naturally drawn towards anything in this color spectrum as it indicates a potential source of food. So, if you want to attract woodpeckers to your yard or garden, consider using red feeders or placing them against a red background.

Another color that seems to attract woodpeckers is blue.

Final Words

You can try a few different ways to attract woodpeckers to your garden. First and foremost, providing them with a suitable habitat is key. Woodpeckers prefer wooded areas with plenty of mature trees and dead snags or branches for nesting and feeding.

In addition to creating the right environment for woodpeckers, offering food sources can also be effective. Suet feeders are an excellent option as they provide high-energy fat that woodpeckers need in their diet. You may also consider installing a birdhouse specifically designed for woodpeckers.
It’s important to remember that woodpeckers are legally protected, even though attracting them might be enjoyable.
Any form of injury or disturbance is prohibited.

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