
How To Attract Cardinals To Your Yard In 12 Simple Methods

How To Attract Cardinals To Your Yard ? If you’re an avid birdwatcher or simply love the sight of beautiful red feathers in your backyard, attracting cardinals is a must. These striking birds are commonly found in North America and can easily become regular visitors to your yard with just a few simple methods. Here are 12 ways to attract cardinals to your yard.
The first step is to provide food sources that cardinals enjoy. Cardinals have a preference for seeds, especially safflower seeds and black oil sunflower seeds. Make sure you have a bird feeder that can hold these types of seeds and place it in an area where cardinals can easily spot it. Additionally, adding fruit such as apples or oranges to your feeding station can also attract them.

Another way to attract cardinals is by providing fresh water sources for them. They enjoy birdbaths or shallow fountains where they can drink and bathe.

How Do You Attract Cardinals?

Attracting cardinals to your backyard can bring a burst of color and energy to your outdoor space. These beautiful birds are known for their striking red plumage, unique crested head, and melodic songs. However, attracting cardinals can be a bit challenging if you don’t know the right techniques. Here are some tips on how to attract cardinals and create a welcoming environment for these gorgeous birds.
Firstly, creating a natural habitat by adding native plants is crucial in attracting cardinals. Cardinals love dense shrubs and trees that provide cover and nesting sites for them. You can add plants like dogwood, sumac, holly berries, or flowering crab apple trees to create an ideal habitat for these birds.

Secondly, providing food sources is another critical factor in attracting cardinals.

Provide Cardinals with the Right Food

One of the best ways to attract cardinals is by offering them black oil sunflower seeds. These small, oily seeds are high in fat and protein, which provide cardinals with plenty of energy for their active lifestyles. Cardinals also love safflower seeds, which have a hard shell that deters squirrels and other pests.

Another great option for attracting cardinals is by offering them fruits such as apples or oranges. These fruits provide natural sugars that help supplement their diet while adding color and variety to your bird feeder setup.


How To Attract Cardinals To Your Yard In 12 Simple Methods

One of the best foods for cardinals is sunflower seeds. Because they are rich in minerals, protein, and fat, these seeds provide birds with a great source of energy during the colder months when food is in short supply. You can offer them black oil sunflower seeds or striped ones as both types are suitable for cardinals.

Another great way to attract cardinals is by setting up a bird feeder in your backyard. Choose a sturdy feeder that can hold sunflower seeds and set it up in an open area where you can easily observe the birds feeding on it from afar.

Black Oil Sunflower:

The high fat and protein content of black oil sunflower seeds makes them a great source of energy for birds. Cardinals love these seeds because they have thin shells that are easy to crack open with their beaks. They also have a high meat-to-shell ratio, providing more nourishment per seed than other types of sunflower seeds.

Striped Sunflower:

Here are some tips on how to attract cardinals using striped sunflowers.

First off, it’s crucial to know that cardinals adore seeds, especially those with a lot of fat.
Striped sunflowers are a great food source for these birds since they contain up to 20% oil, which keeps them energized all day. You can plant these flowers in large clusters near bird feeders or simply scatter the seeds on the ground.

Another way to attract cardinals using striped sunflowers is by planting them in elevated areas such as hanging baskets or pots placed on elevated platforms.

Shelled Sunflower:

Here are some tips on how to effectively use shelled sunflower seeds to bring these beautiful creatures into your yard.

Firstly, it’s important to provide the right kind of feeder for your shelled sunflower seeds. Cardinals prefer feeders with large perches that allow them to easily access the food without having to balance or cling onto small ledges. Secondly, consider placing your feeder near some cover such as bushes or trees where cardinals can perch and feel safe while they eat.

Cardinal Blend:

The first step in attracting cardinals is by providing a suitable habitat for them. Cardinals are known to prefer dense shrubs or trees that offer cover and privacy. Therefore, consider planting bushes such as holly or juniper around your garden area as they provide excellent nesting sites for these birds. Additionally, providing food sources such as seeds, nuts and insects will also help bring them closer to your yard.


Peanuts are a great source of protein and fat, making them a favorite snack for many birds. One bird in particular that loves peanuts is the cardinal. If you want to attract these beautiful red birds to your backyard, adding peanuts to your bird feeder is an excellent place to start.
When choosing a peanut feeder, make sure it has a mesh screen or small holes so the cardinals can easily pick out individual peanuts. Another option is to simply sprinkle crushed peanuts on the ground or on a platform feeder. Cardinals are ground feeders and will happily search for food under bushes and in other sheltered areas.


To attract cardinals with corn, you need to understand their feeding habits. Cardinals are primarily seed-eaters, and they love sunflower seeds and safflower seeds. But did you know that they also enjoy nibbling on corn kernels? Yes, corn can be a tasty treat for cardinals too! To get started, all you need is some dried corn cobs that you can hang from trees or bird feeders around your yard.


One of the best fruits to attract cardinals is the black oil sunflower seed. This type of seed is high in fat and protein, which makes it an excellent source of energy for the birds. You can place these seeds in a feeder or scatter them on the ground near your feeding station.

Another fruit that is popular with cardinals is grapes. These sweet treats are easy for birds to eat and provide a good source of hydration as well as nutrients like vitamin C. You can hang bunches of grapes from trees or shrubs near your feeding area, or simply place them on a platform feeder along with other fruits like apples and oranges.

Hang Cardinal-Friendly Feeders

If you want to attract these stunning birds to your yard, hanging cardinal-friendly feeders is a great way to start.
Firstly, choose the right type of feeder for cardinals. Unlike other bird species, cardinals prefer feeders with larger perches and wider feeding ports so they can easily perch and access food without any struggle. Secondly, select high-quality seed mixes that include black oil sunflower seeds or safflower seeds as cardinals prefer them over other types of birdseed like millet or corn.

Set the Feeders at the Right Place

The key to attracting cardinals is all about location. You want to place your feeders in an area that is easily accessible for birds but also safe from potential predators. Consider placing your feeder near trees or bushes where the birds can perch and feel secure while eating. Additionally, make sure that the feeder is placed at a height that is comfortable for cardinals – typically around four feet off the ground.

Another important factor in attracting cardinals is the type of feeder you use.

Always Keep Your Feeders Full

Keeping your feeders filled at all times is among the most crucial things.
Sunflower seeds, safflower seeds, peanuts, and millet are all favorites of cardinals.

Make sure that your feeder is always stocked with these kinds of foods. You should also consider purchasing a feeder with a larger capacity so that it doesn’t need constant refilling.

Another way to attract cardinals is by providing them with natural sources of food like berries and insects. Planting berry bushes or fruit trees in your yard will provide them with food throughout the year.

Clean Your Feeder before the Next Refill

In this article, we’ll show you how to properly clean your feeder before the next refill and give you tips on how to attract cardinals.
First things first, make sure that you have all the necessary supplies on hand. You will need gloves, soap or dish detergent, a scrub brush (preferably one with bristles made from nylon), warm water, and a towel or cloth for drying. Start by removing any old seed or debris from the feeder and disposing of it in an outdoor trash can.

To start with the cleaning process, prepare either hot water and mild soap or a solution of water and bleach following a 1:9 ratio in a bucket. Using gloves to protect your hands, remove any leftover food or debris from the feeder. Then soak the feeder in the cleaning solution for at least ten minutes. Scrub thoroughly using a brush and rinse well with warm water.

After rinsing off all traces of soap or bleach, use paper towels or allow it to air dry completely before refilling it with fresh birdseed.

Plant Berry-Bearing Trees for Winter

We’ll go through some of the greatest berry-bearing tree varieties in this article that you may plant in your yard.
First on our list is the American Holly tree. This evergreen tree produces bright red berries that are perfect for attracting cardinals. The holly tree is also a popular choice for holiday decorations, making it a great addition to any winter landscape. Another great option is the Eastern Red Cedar, which produces small blue berries that cardinals love to eat. This tree also provides shelter for birds during harsh winter weather.

If you live in an area with mild winters, consider planting the Flowering Dogwood tree.

Give Water to Drink and Bathe

One of the most exquisite birds in North America is the cardinal. They are simple to detect because to their vivid red feathers, but there are a few things you can do to encourage them to visit your house. Providing cardinals with water to drink and wash in is one of the finest ways to draw them. This not only keeps them clean and hydrated, but it also improves the aesthetics of your yard for these wonderful birds.

There are numerous methods for giving cardinals access to water. You may use a straightforward birdbath or a tiny water-filled container. It’s crucial to constantly replace the water to prevent stagnation or dirty.

Keep Water from Freezing

Here are some tips on how to keep water from freezing and attract cardinals.
Firstly, purchase a bird bath heater. This device will prevent the water in your bird bath from freezing during cold temperatures. Secondly, place your bird bath near shelter such as trees or bushes which provide cover for birds while they drink or bathe. Thirdly, add rocks to the bottom of your bird bath so that birds have something to stand on while they drink and splash around.

Additionally, it’s important to keep your bird bath clean by changing the water every few days and scrubbing it with a brush regularly to prevent bacterial growth.

Offer Protective Shelter

One way to offer protective shelter is by planting bushes or trees in your yard that provide coverage and hiding places for cardinals. Redbud trees, dogwood trees, and holly bushes are all great options that offer both food sources and shelter. Additionally, birdhouses placed strategically around your yard can give cardinals a safe place to rest during harsh weather conditions or while evading predators.

Another option is to create a brush pile in your yard by stacking branches, twigs, and leaves in a designated area.

 Allow Nesting in Your Yard

One way to attract Cardinals is by allowing nesting in your yard. These birds like to nest in shrubs, bushes, and trees that are about 6-15 feet off the ground. They prefer dense foliage for protection and privacy during nesting season. By planting these types of plants in your yard, you can create an ideal habitat for Cardinals.

Another thing to consider when trying to attract Cardinals is food sources. They enjoy seeds such as sunflower seeds or safflower seeds, as well as fruits such as apples or berries.

Try to Avoid Predators

Are you tired of pesky predators ruining your birdwatching experience? You can attempt a few different things to stay away from them.
A safe position for your bird feeders should be far from any bushes or trees that could serve as shelter for predators, so check there first. Consider adding predator guards to your feeder poles to prevent squirrels and other animals from climbing up.

Another way to deter predators is by choosing the right type of birdseed. Suet cakes and peanut butter will attract woodpeckers, nuthatches, and chickadees while deterring larger birds like crows or jays that may be more likely to prey on smaller birds. Additionally, offering water sources such as birdbaths or fountains can help distract predators from your feeders.

Don’t Use Harmful Chemicals

Here are some tips for attracting cardinals without using harmful chemicals.
Firstly, consider planting native plants that provide food and shelter for cardinals. These could include various types of shrubs and trees like dogwoods, serviceberries and sumacs. Additionally, avoid using chemical fertilizers or pesticides as they can harm both the birds and the plants in your yard.

Another great way to attract cardinals is by providing them with a source of water. A birdbath or small fountain can help draw these beautiful birds into your yard while also providing them with much-needed hydration.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What color feeder attracts cardinals?

Firstly, it’s important to understand that cardinals are attracted to bright colors, particularly red. Therefore, a cardinal feeder should be vivid and eye-catching with distinct red coloring. Additionally, they prefer feeders that are open and have plenty of space for them to perch comfortably while eating.

Another important factor is the size of the feeder. Cardinals prefer larger feeders with ample space for their wingspan which can measure up to 12 inches.

What kind of feeder attracts cardinals?

One of the best foods for attracting cardinal birds is black oil sunflower seeds. They are high in fat and protein and provide cardinals with the energy they need throughout the day. Other seed options include safflower seeds or a mix that contains nuts, fruit, and millet. You should also consider adding some fresh water near your feeder as cardinals like drinking water frequently throughout the day.

Another great way to attract cardinals is by providing them with shelter nearby.

 What colors are cardinals attracted to?

Firstly, it’s important to understand that cardinals are attracted to bright colors, especially red. They have excellent color vision and can easily spot bright hues from a distance. So, if you want more cardinals in your backyard, consider adding some red bird feeders or placing brightly colored flowers like zinnias or petunias around your garden.

Additionally, cardinals are also drawn towards earthy tones like brown and green. You can create a bird-friendly environment by using natural materials like wood and bark in your birdhouses or putting up shrubs with green foliage around your yard.

Final Words

As a bird lover, attracting cardinals to your yard can be a rewarding experience. These beautiful birds with their vibrant red feathers are a delight to watch, and the good news is that you don’t have to be an expert birder or have special skills to invite them into your space. Here are some tips on how to attract cardinals.
Firstly, provide food that they love.

Cardinals feed mainly on seeds and fruits such as sunflower seeds, safflower seeds, cracked corn, and chopped apples. You can also offer them mealworms, which are high in protein and will keep them coming back for more. Secondly, create an inviting habitat by planting trees and shrubs that provide shade and shelter for the birds. You can also add birdhouses or nesting boxes in suitable areas around your yard.

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