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How To Attract Bluebirds To Your Yard | 20 Helpful Tips

How to attract bluebirds to your yard? Attracting bluebirds to your yard can be a rewarding experience. Watching these beautiful birds flutter around, nesting and chirping in the trees is an experience that not many people get to enjoy. There are a few things you should be aware of if you want to make room for them in your garden.

Firstly, provide food for your bluebirds. They love mealworms, suet cakes and sunflower seeds. You can hang out birdfeeders filled with these foods or spread them on feeding platforms around your yard. Secondly, make sure you have nest boxes available. Bluebirds prefer open areas with short grass and plenty of sunlight for their nests so make sure the boxes face east or southeast to maximise exposure.

Thirdly, it’s important to keep predators away from the bluebird houses by installing baffles or predator guards around the poles holding up the boxes.

You may be asking at this point how to get bluebirds to visit your yard. By using the advice provided below, it’s quite easy.

  • Serve mealworms.
  • Hang high-quality bluebird feeders.
  • Add fruits and other prepared foods to the feeders.
  • Avoid applying pesticides or insecticides to your yard.
  • Place a birdbath in your yard.
  • Install a small dripper or fountain.
  • Set a heated birdbath in freezing temperatures.
  • Install specifically designed nest boxes.
  • Choose the right location for nest boxes.
  • Keep your nest boxes clean.

There are 10 additional insider secrets available. In this essay, we’ll go into detail about 20 useful suggestions for luring various bluebird species to your yard. Also, you will learn why it is crucial to attract bluebirds as well as some often asked questions and their respective answers.

So, let’s get started!

How Can You Attract Bluebirds to Your Yard?

Bluebirds are a beautiful and iconic bird species that can be commonly found throughout North America. These birds are known for their vibrant blue plumage, cheerful chirps, and graceful flight. If you’re interested in attracting bluebirds to your yard, there are several steps you can take to make it happen.

You must provide bluebirds with food, drink, shelter, nesting locations, and safety from predators if you want them to congregate in your yard. As you are aware, we will discuss 20 unique suggestions for luring bluebirds in both the warmer and winter months.

1. Serve mealworms.

How To Attract Bluebirds To Your Yard | 20 Helpful Tips

Attracting bluebirds to your yard can be a fun and rewarding experience that allows you to observe these beautiful birds up close. If you’ve tried traditional methods like birdhouses and feeders with little success, it might be time to consider serving mealworms. Bluebirds are known for their love of insects, and mealworms are a particularly good choice.

To start, you’ll need to purchase live or dried mealworms from a pet store or online retailer. You can then serve them in a shallow dish or tray placed on the ground, on a raised platform feeder, or even mixed into suet cakes. It’s important to keep the feeding area clean and change out any uneaten worms within 24 hours.

Bluebirds are also attracted to open spaces with short grasses and shrubs for cover.

The issue at hand is where to find live mealworms. Mealworms can be grown from scratch, bought from a pet store near you, or ordered online. If you select the final alternative, we advise picking the 500ct Live Giant Mealworms from Amazon.

Live mealworms are somewhat pricey, though. In order to keep the live mealworms alive for the bluebirds, you must also take care of them. Offer dried mealworms to bluebirds instead of live ones if you don’t want to pay for them.

We can advise you to buy the Kaytee Dry Mealworms in this situation (The link takes you to Amazon).
The real kicker is here!

Bluebirds prefer eating live mealworms, thus there are occasions when they don’t want to eat dry ones.

You must use these methods if you want to feed dried mealworms to bluebirds.

  • Start providing live mealworms to bluebirds.
  • Add some dried ones along with the live ones once they start eating them regularly.
  • Ideally, bluebirds would eat dried mealworms by accident and come to appreciate them as tasty treats.
  • Bluebirds will become accustomed to just eating dry ones in this way.

2. Hang high-quality bluebird feeders.

If you’re looking to attract bluebirds to your yard, hanging high-quality bluebird feeders is a great place to start. Bluebirds are known for their striking coloration and sweet song, making them a favorite among birdwatchers. With the right tools and techniques, you can create an inviting environment that will encourage these beautiful birds to visit.

The first step in attracting bluebirds is selecting the right type of feeder. Look for models specifically designed for bluebirds, as they will have proper drainage and ventilation to keep food fresh and dry. You should also consider the size of your feeder- larger models are better suited for multiple birds or larger species such as woodpeckers, while smaller feeders are ideal for attracting finches or sparrows.

Once you’ve chosen the perfect feeder, it’s time to find the right location.

After saying that, we’ll discuss three excellent bluebird feeders below. There are no wooden edges in these feeders since they all have a smooth border or wall that prevents the live mealworms from crawling out.
(All links lead to Amazon.com)

More Birds Hanging Bird Feeder: You can provide a few live or dried mealworms to bluebirds in your yard using this bluebird feeder. To draw bluebirds to your yard, in addition to mealworms, you may also leave out a variety of fruits and prepared foods including jelly, suet nuggets, jelly, sliced apples and more.

Droll Yankees Platform Feeder: You may offer bluebirds practically any food in its tray if you choose this domed, plastic feeder. As a result of its smooth edges, live mealworms cannot escape.
The adjustable dome top is the nicest feature. You can lower the domed top and only let thrushes in to keep away larger birds.

Woodlink Dome Bluebird Feeder: This bluebird feeder can be filled with live or dried mealworms, much like the earlier ones. Offering prepared snacks like suet nuggets, cut raisins, and chopped peanut hearts will also entice bluebirds.

3. Add fruits and other prepared foods to the feeders.

If you’re looking for ways to attract bluebirds, adding fruits and other prepared foods to the feeders can be a great start. Bluebirds are known to love berries, so providing them with fresh fruit is an excellent way to entice them into your yard. You can use any type of berry that is in season, such as blueberries or raspberries.

Another way to attract bluebirds is by providing them with mealworms. These small insects are high in protein and are a favorite food of many birds, including bluebirds. You can purchase mealworms at most pet stores or online retailers. Be sure to place the mealworms in a shallow dish or tray near their feeding area.

In addition to fruits and mealworms, you can also add other prepared foods like suet cakes or peanut butter mixes

4. Avoid applying pesticides or insecticides to your yard.

Bluebirds are one of the most beautiful bird species that you can attract to your yard. They are a joy to watch and listen to, with their distinctive chirping sounds and bright blue feathers. However, if you are thinking about using pesticides or insecticides in your yard, it is important to know that these chemicals can be harmful to bluebirds and other wildlife. Not only do they kill insects that birds rely on for food, but they also contaminate the water supply.

Fortunately, there are many ways to attract bluebirds without resorting to harmful chemicals. One effective method is planting native plants and trees in your yard. These provide natural habitat for insects that bluebirds love to eat. Additionally, providing nesting boxes can encourage them to move in and make themselves at home.

5. Place a birdbath in your yard.

If you are looking to attract bluebirds to your yard, placing a birdbath is an excellent option. Bluebirds are small birds that love water and enjoy taking baths. Birdbaths provide the perfect environment for them to do so while also attracting other species of birds.

To attract bluebirds, it’s essential to select the right type of birdbath. The ideal size should be shallow with a gradual slope leading into deeper water. Also, make sure the birdbath is made from a material that won’t overheat in the sun or freeze in cold temperatures.

When selecting a location for your bird bath, choose an area with plenty of sunlight and shade throughout the day. Avoid placing it near trees or shrubs where predators can hide and attack unsuspecting birds.

Do you wish to purchase a lovely birdbath online? Check out the Arcadia Garden Stone Fiberclay Birdbath, which we highly suggest (The link takes you to Amazon). It has a sturdy design, generous size, simple assembly, and all-weather resilience.

6. Install a small dripper or fountain.

Are you a bird enthusiast looking to attract bluebirds to your backyard? One effective way of doing so is by installing a small dripper or fountain. Not only will it provide a source of clean water for these beautiful birds, but it will also add an aesthetic touch to your outdoor space.

To get started, choose a location for your dripper or fountain that is visible from both the ground and from above. This will help catch the eye of passing bluebirds. Next, make sure the water feature is shallow enough for them to safely drink from and has a gentle flow that won’t frighten them away.

Once you have installed your dripper or fountain, be patient as it may take some time for bluebirds to discover it. But with patience and persistence, you’ll soon find these lovely creatures taking advantage of this new addition to their habitat.

A good dripper or fountain is available in nearby pet stores, or you can get one online. We suggest going with the Sunlitec Solar Fountain with Panel Water Pump if you’re going to choose a fountain online (the link takes you to Amazon).

Alternatively, if you want to spend more money on a dripper of superior quality, you might want to think about the Birds Choice AAD410R Avian Dripper from Amazon. You can place it next to your birdbath to attract bluebirds by making a splashing sound.

7. Set a heated birdbath in freezing temperatures.

If you’re looking to attract bluebirds, setting up a heated birdbath can be an effective way to do so. These beautiful birds are not only lovely to look at but also play an important role in controlling insect populations. However, during the cold winter months, it can be challenging for them to find water sources that aren’t frozen over.

To start, choose a location for your heated birdbath that is easily visible from inside your home. This will allow you to enjoy watching the bluebirds while they bathe and drink water. Next, select a model that is specifically designed for freezing temperatures and comes with a thermostat control.

When setting up the heated birdbath, make sure it’s placed on level ground and away from any trees or bushes where cats or other predators might hide. Fill it with fresh water regularly and don’t forget to clean it periodically as well.

Don’t worry if you don’t have heated birdbath. To prevent the water from freezing, we advise selecting the Smart Solar Louisa Birdbath (available on Amazon), which includes a solar system. The olive green one is another option, and it is also reasonably priced.

8. Install specifically designed nest boxes.

Are you looking to attract bluebirds to your backyard? One effective way to do so is by installing specifically designed nest boxes. Bluebirds are cavity nesters, meaning they prefer nesting in existing holes or cavities rather than building their own nests. By providing them with suitable nesting sites, you can increase the chances of these beautiful birds taking up residence in your yard.

When selecting a nest box for bluebirds, it’s important to choose one that meets their specific needs. The box should have an entrance hole that is 1 ½ inches in diameter – large enough for a bluebird but too small for other species like house sparrows and starlings that may compete for the same space. The interior dimensions of the box should be around 5 x 5 inches with a depth of at least 8 inches, providing enough room for the birds to build their nests and raise their young.

The problem is that few people have yards with dead trees. Nest boxes might be a fantastic substitute for them. Be sure that your nest boxes have the following qualities whether you build them yourself or buy a number of them from a nearby shop or online.

  • Nestboxes ought to be constructed from rot-resistant wood, like as cedar.
  • After the nesting season, they should be simple to open and clean.
  • The interior of the nest boxes should be made of untreated wood, but the exterior should be painted.
  • The nest boxes’ bottoms should contain openings for water and dirt drainage, but the roof should be waterproof.

We advise using the Audubon Coppertop Cedar Wood Bluebird House taking into account all the variables. Natural cedar that is ornithologically correct was used to make this American-made nestbox, which also features a Coppertop roof. Most of all, it’s simple to open for quick cleaning.

9. Choose the right location for nest boxes

If you’re looking to attract bluebirds, one of the most effective ways is by providing them with a safe and comfortable place to nest. However, it’s not just about putting up any old nest box – location plays a crucial role in determining whether bluebirds will choose to inhabit it. Here are some tips on how to choose the right location for your nest boxes.

Firstly, make sure that the area you choose has plenty of open space. Bluebirds prefer open areas where they can easily spot potential predators and fly away if necessary. Avoid placing your box in heavily wooded areas or near buildings where there may be obstructions.

Secondly, consider the height at which you place your box. Bluebirds like their nests to be at least five feet off the ground but no higher than ten feet. This allows them easy access while still being able to keep an eye on their surroundings.

10. Keep your nest boxes clean.

If you want to attract bluebirds to your yard, one of the most important things you can do is keep your nest boxes clean. Bluebirds are cavity-nesting birds, which means they rely on holes in trees or man-made structures like birdhouses for nesting. These spaces need to be kept clean and free of debris so that bluebirds will feel comfortable using them.

To keep your nest boxes clean, start by monitoring them regularly. Check for any signs of damage or wear and tear, as well as any potential threats like predators or pests. Then, remove any old nesting materials or droppings from inside the box with a scraper or small brush. You can also use boiling water (not too hot!) to sanitize the box and kill any bacteria that could harm the birds.

In addition to keeping the actual nest box clean, it’s also important to maintain the surrounding area.

11. Hang Squirrel-Proof Birdhouses

Attracting bluebirds to your backyard can be a rewarding experience for any bird lover. However, squirrels can often become a nuisance and steal the birdseed from your traditional birdhouse. One solution to this problem is to hang squirrel-proof birdhouses specifically designed to attract bluebirds.

To begin, choose a location that is open and spacious, with at least 5-6 hours of sunlight per day. Bluebirds prefer nesting in areas with little foliage or trees nearby, so avoid hanging your house near bushes or trees. Once you have determined the perfect spot for your new birdhouse, make sure it is secure and sturdy when hung by using a strong hook or pole.

Next, fill the house with materials that will appeal to bluebirds such as wood chips or shavings made from untreated materials like cedar or pine.

Installing the Woodlink Wooden Bluebird Home is advised. The red cedar used to build this ornithologically inspired birdhouse has been kiln-dried and strengthened.It has a drain hole at the bottom, a 12 inch air ventilation gap at the top, and three 12 inch holes throughout.

12. Install Relatively Large Roosting Boxes in Winter

In the winter months, bluebirds often struggle to find suitable shelter and nesting sites. Therefore, installing relatively large roosting boxes can be a great way to help them out.

Firstly, make sure you place the roosting box in an open area where it’s easy for the birds to spot it. Bluebirds love sunny spots with some vegetation around and close access to water sources. Secondly, consider getting a larger box than what would typically be used for nesting purposes as this will provide more insulation and space for multiple feathered friends.

Moreover, make sure that the entrance hole is facing away from prevailing winds so that they are protected from harsh winter weather conditions such as snow or ice storms.

13. Place Nestboxes in the Spring

If you’re looking to attract bluebirds to your yard, spring is the perfect time to do so. One of the best ways to bring these beautiful birds into your garden is by placing nestboxes in your backyard. Nestboxes provide a safe and secure place for bluebirds to build their nests and raise their young.

To start attracting bluebirds, select an open area with lots of sunlight that’s away from heavy foot traffic and predators like cats or dogs. Make sure the nestbox is at least 5 feet off the ground and facing east or southeast. The entrance hole should be 1.5 inches in diameter, which is perfect for bluebirds but too small for larger birds like sparrows or starlings.

When it comes to filling up your nestbox, it’s important not to use sawdust or other materials that can harbor pests and parasites.

14. Plant Native Trees and Berry-Growing Shrubs

Planting native trees and berry-growing shrubs is a great way to attract bluebirds. Bluebirds are small, beautiful birds that are found in North America. They are known for their vibrant blue feathers and cheerful songs. There are three species of bluebirds found in North America: the Eastern Bluebird, the Mountain Bluebird, and the Western Bluebird.

The best way to attract bluebirds is by planting native trees and berry-growing shrubs. These plants provide food and shelter for the birds throughout the year. Some popular choices include dogwood trees, elderberry bushes, and holly bushes. These plants produce berries that bluebirds love to eat. Planting these types of vegetation will encourage these gorgeous birds to visit your backyard often.

Another important factor when trying to attract bluebirds is providing them with a safe environment.

The following trees and shrubs can be quite effective at luring bluebirds:

  • Eastern Red Cedar
  • Virginia Creeper
  • Pokeberries
  • Wild Grape
  • Hackberry Seeds
  • Sumac Seeds
  • Blackberry
  • Bayberry
  • Honeysuckle
  • Dogwood
  • Hawthorn
  • Blueberry
  • American Elderberry
  • American Holly

Given that bluebirds mostly feed insects and bugs, these trees and shrubs can play a significant role in attracting them. These native plants will draw caterpillars, grasshoppers, beetles, spiders, and crickets. Bluebirds will thus continue to visit your garden.

Chinese bushes may seem lovely if you put them in your garden. However, they are unable to draw local arthropods and insects. Bluebirds won’t be drawn to your garden as a result. In this situation, we advise speaking with a nursery or neighborhood garden shop.

15. Offer Nesting Materials

Attracting bluebirds to your yard can be quite an enjoyable experience. These beautiful birds are a delight to observe and offer a pleasant ambiance to any outdoor space. One way to attract these feathered friends is by offering nesting materials.

Bluebirds prefer natural materials for their nests, such as grasses, pine needles, and small twigs. Providing them with such items in your yard will make it more attractive for them. You can create a designated area for the nest-making process by placing all the material in one spot or provide the materials throughout your yard to give the bluebirds free reign on where they want their nest.

Another way of attracting bluebirds is by providing them with specialized birdhouses made specifically for them. Bluebird houses have specific dimensions that cater to their needs, ensuring they have enough room for nesting and raising young ones successfully.

16. Avoid Cutting Dead Trees

Bluebirds are one of the most beautiful and fascinating birds to watch. These small and colorful birds are a delight to have in your backyard, but unfortunately they can be difficult to attract. One common mistake that people make when trying to attract bluebirds is cutting down dead trees. While it may seem like a good idea to remove unsightly or hazardous dead trees from your property, doing so could actually deter bluebirds from nesting in your yard.

Instead of cutting down dead trees, consider leaving them standing as natural habitats for bluebirds. Dead trees provide important nesting cavities and shelter for bluebirds, who prefer nesting in tree cavities rather than birdhouses. In fact, many species of birds rely on dead trees for survival, including woodpeckers who create nesting holes that later become homes for other bird species such as bluebirds.

17. Keep Cats Away

Attracting bluebirds to your yard can be a fun and rewarding experience, but if you have cats in the area, it can also be difficult. Cats are natural predators of birds and can pose a serious threat to the safety and wellbeing of bluebirds. Luckily, there are several steps you can take to keep cats away from your birdhouses and encourage bluebirds to make their homes in your yard.

The first step is to create a physical barrier between your birdhouses and any nearby areas where cats may roam. This could include putting up fences or using netting or other materials to block off certain areas. You should also consider positioning your birdhouses in such a way that they are difficult for cats to access – for example, by placing them high up on poles or attaching them securely to trees.

Another effective way of keeping cats away is by using scent deterrents.

18. Protect Nestboxes from Predators

Nestboxes are a great way to attract beautiful bluebirds to your backyard. However, it is important to note that these sweet birds face many predators in the wild. As a result, if you’re considering setting up nestboxes on your property, it’s crucial to take steps to protect them from potential threats.

One of the most effective ways of safeguarding nestboxes is by installing predator guards around them. These guards come in various shapes and sizes but are designed explicitly for preventing snakes, squirrels, and other small mammals from climbing up the pole or tree where the box is mounted.

Another way of keeping predators at bay is by creating barriers around your yard. For instance, you can put up physical barriers such as fences or walls around areas where you’ve placed the boxes. This will prevent ground-dwelling predators like raccoons and skunks from accessing them easily.

19. Deter Competitors from Nesting in Bluebird Boxes

Bluebirds are a beautiful and welcome addition to any backyard. However, attracting bluebirds can be challenging, especially if you have competitors trying to nest in your bluebird boxes. These competitors could include house sparrows or starlings who tend to take over the boxes and prevent bluebirds from nesting. Fortunately, there are several strategies that can help deter these birds and attract more bluebirds.

One effective way to deter competitors is by using the right type of box. Bluebird boxes should have a small entrance hole, typically around 1½ inches in diameter. This size is perfect for bluebirds but too small for larger birds like sparrows and starlings. Additionally, it’s important to place your box in an open area away from trees or other structures where predators like cats or raccoons could easily climb up and disrupt nesting activity.

20. Keep Your Fields Open

Bluebirds are a beautiful and beneficial addition to any backyard. These birds can help keep the insect population in check and add a splash of color to your outdoor space. However, attracting bluebirds can sometimes prove difficult. By keeping your fields open, you can create an ideal habitat for these gorgeous birds.

Firstly, it’s important to offer bluebirds plenty of space to roam. They prefer open grassy areas with scattered trees or shrubs for perching and nesting. Avoid dense vegetation or overgrown areas that could hide predators such as cats or snakes. Providing birdhouses specifically designed for bluebirds in open areas is also a great way to attract them.

Additionally, offering a source of water is crucial in attracting bluebirds. A birdbath or small pond will not only attract these winged beauties but also provide them with a place to drink and bathe.

Why Is Attracting Bluebirds Important?

Bluebird populations suffered a dramatic fall in the middle of the twentieth century, particularly in North America. Later, by providing food and refuge, a large number of enthusiastic birders and organizations like the North American Bluebird Society helped bluebird populations flourish

Bluebirds are a beautiful and iconic species of birds that can be found throughout North America. They are known for their bright blue feathers, cheerful chirps, and graceful flight patterns. But beyond their aesthetic appeal, attracting bluebirds to your garden or backyard can have numerous benefits for the environment.

One of the main reasons why attracting bluebirds is important is because they play a critical role in controlling insect populations. Bluebirds feed primarily on insects such as caterpillars, grasshoppers, and beetles. By providing a safe habitat for bluebirds in your yard or garden, you can help reduce the need for harsh chemical pesticides that can harm both beneficial insects and other wildlife.

Which Species of Bluebirds Can You Attract?

It depends on where you live as to whether you may attract a certain species of bluebird. There are 3 different species of bluebirds in North America, as you may know. Here, we’ll discuss with you the locations where every species of bluebird is typically found.

Eastern Bluebirds: Southeast Canada, East of the Rockies, and areas close to the Gulf of Mexico are home to these bluebird species. They relocate to the south over the winter. They can be found in Mexico because of this.

Western Bluebirds: Western Alberta, the Baja, British Columbia, eastern New Mexico, and the Rocky Mountains are all places where you can locate western bluebirds. During the winter, you can find them in Mexico as well.

Mountain Bluebirds: Mountain bluebirds are found in mountainous regions, such as southern Alaska, Manitoba, Nebraska, and California, as their name would imply. These bluebirds like spending the winter all around the western United States.

Wrapping Up

Attracting bluebirds to your backyard can be a rewarding experience, especially if you enjoy bird watching or simply want to add some color and life to your outdoor space. There are a few simple steps you can take to make your yard more attractive to these beautiful birds. First, provide a suitable nesting site by setting up a bluebird house in an open area away from trees and shrubs. Make sure the house has proper ventilation and drainage, and is at least five feet off the ground.

Secondly, offer food and water sources for the bluebirds. They are insectivores, so providing mealworms or other live insects will attract them to your yard. You can also put out a shallow dish of fresh water for them to drink or bathe in. Thirdly, create an inviting habitat by planting native plants that provide food and shelter for the birds.

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