
How To Stop Birds From Flying Into Windows | Birds Advice

How To Stop Birds From Flying Into Windows is a question that many bird enthusiasts have asked. Birds frequently fly directly into windows, and when this happens, it can be upsetting for both the bird and the homeowner.
Fortunately, there are steps you may do to avoid this.
One way to stop birds from flying into windows is by placing decals or stickers on the glass. These decals can come in various shapes and sizes and mimic predator eyes or other patterns that make it obvious to birds that there’s an obstacle in front of them. Another effective method is hanging strips of reflective material around the window area. These will reflect sunlight and create an illusion of movement, which will deter birds from approaching too close.

Additionally, you could try using netting or screens over your windows.

Using window films or decals with bird silhouettes is one of the most efficient techniques to prevent birds from flying into windows. These designs make the glass more visible to birds and help them avoid collisions. Make sure that you place these decals closely together, as birds may not realize a small gap between them could still lead to collision with the window.

There are also some myths about how best to discourage birds from hitting windows, such as applying soap or oil on the glass surface or hanging shiny objects in front of them.

How To Keep Birds From Hitting Windows

We’ll talk about ways to prevent birds from flying into windows in this article.
First and foremost, consider the location of your bird feeders. If they’re too close to a window, birds may accidentally fly into the glass while trying to get food. Move your feeders at least 10 feet away from any windows or consider using suction cup feeders that attach directly onto the windowpane. This will allow birds to see clearly where they are going and prevent them from getting distracted by food on the other side of the glass.

Another solution is adding decals or stickers onto your windows at eye-level for birds.

Modifying The Windows Outside

Use Tape Strips:

How To Stop Birds From Flying Into Windows | Birds Advice

By placing tape strips on your windows, you can create an effective visual barrier that will deter birds from flying into them.

To use tape strips effectively, start by selecting a type of tape that will be visible to birds. Fluorescent or metallic tapes work well since they reflect light and create bright flashes that are easy for birds to see. Cut the tape into thin strips and attach them to your window using double-sided adhesive squares. The squares should be spaced about four inches apart to allow the bird to look through the window while preventing it from flying into it.
The affordability and ease of installation of tape strips is one of its best features.

Attach the ABC Bird Tape to the Windows:

Birds flying into windows can cause serious harm to the birds and damage to your home. Fortunately, there are straightforward fixes that can stop these undesirable occurrences. One of the most effective solutions is using ABC Bird Tape on your windows.

A specifically made tape called ABC Bird Tape is simple to put to any window in your house or place of business. The tape comes in different colors and patterns, making it an aesthetically pleasing solution for those who want their homes and offices to look beautiful while also protecting birds from injury.

When you attach the ABC Bird Tape to your windows, it creates a visible barrier that birds can see, preventing them from flying into the glass. The tape works by reflecting ultraviolet light, which is visible to birds but not humans, making it an ideal way to deter them from colliding with your windows.

Cover the Window with Soap

One effective method is covering your window with soap. Several bird lovers have employed this well-liked method over the years. The soapy surface of the window makes it difficult for birds to see their reflection and avoid collision with it. Simply apply some liquid soap on your window glass and then spread it evenly using a soft cloth or sponge. Make sure you cover both sides of the window, especially if it’s a large one.

Mount Mosquito Screens:

Mosquito screens create a barrier between your windows and the outside world, effectively preventing birds from coming too close. The mesh of the screen is small enough that it does not obstruct your view while still providing adequate protection against bird strikes. They are an excellent option for both residential and commercial structures because of how simple they are to install and how little maintenance they require.

In addition to preventing bird strikes, mosquito screens offer several other benefits as well. For instance, they keep out unwanted insects like mosquitoes and flies while allowing fresh air into your home or office space.

 Install External Sun Shades or Shutters:

Installing external sun shades or shutters is an effective way to reduce the amount of heat and glare that enters your home. However, they can also serve another purpose: preventing birds from crashing into your windows. It’s a common problem that many homeowners face, but it can be easily prevented with the right measures.
One option is to install bird deterrent stickers on your windows. These stickers have reflective surfaces that make it difficult for birds to perceive the window as a clear path. Another option is to install mesh screens over your windows. This allows you to keep your windows open without worrying about birds flying in and getting trapped inside.

However, if you want a more permanent solution, installing external sun shades or shutters can be incredibly effective at deterring birds from flying into your windows. These provide a physical barrier between the window and any potential collisions, making it less likely for birds to fly directly into them.

Place White Adhesive Dots on Windows: 

The solution is simple – place white adhesive dots on your windows. These dots will help birds recognize the presence of an obstacle and avoid collision.
Birds collide with windows because they do not perceive them as barriers. They see reflections of the sky, trees, or other objects in the glass and mistake them for open spaces. By placing white adhesive dots on your windows, you interrupt these reflections and make it easier for birds to distinguish between an open space and a closed window. This method has been proven effective in reducing bird collisions by up to 90%.

But where should you place these dots? It’s recommended that they be placed no more than 4 inches apart on the outside of the window, forming a grid pattern.

Set an Ultraviolet, Patterned Glass on Your Window: 

Installing an ultraviolet, patterned glass on your window is a smart solution to stop birds from flying into windows. The reflective, transparent quality of standard glass can be misleading to birds and cause them to collide with the window, which can result in fatal injuries. However, an ultraviolet, patterned glass has a unique design that breaks up the reflection of the window and helps birds recognize it as a barrier.
When choosing an ultraviolet, patterned glass for your windows, it’s important to consider the size and location of your home. Larger windows or those located near trees are more susceptible to bird collisions. Additionally, selecting a pattern that mimics natural elements such as leaves or branches can further deter birds from colliding with your windows.

In addition to preventing bird collisions, installing an ultraviolet, patterned glass on your window also has other benefits such as reducing heat gain and increasing energy efficiency.

Adjusting Your Home Inside

Think about Bird-Safety When You Remodel or Build:

It’s critical to take bird safety into account while remodeling or building a new home.
Birds play a significant role in our ecology and offer a number of advantages, including pest control and pollination.
They frequently fly into windows, which can cause severe injuries or even death.
There are various things you may do to stop birds from flying into your windows. One option is to install window films that reflect ultraviolet light, which birds can see but humans cannot. Another effective solution is the use of netting or screens over windows to create a physical barrier for birds. Additionally, placing decals or stickers on Windows can break up the reflection and help birds recognize that the glass is present.

It’s also essential to take into account the placement of feeders and birdhouses near windows.

Keep Your Plants Away from Your Windows:

One key way to stop birds from flying into windows is to keep plants away from your windows. This not only reduces the reflection on your windowpanes, but also creates a physical barrier for birds that may be flying toward them. You can choose shrubs or trees that grow tall enough to provide cover over your windows, which will make them less visible to passing birds.

Another way to protect birds is by using window film or decals.

Keep Curtains and Blinds Closed As Much As Possible:

Keep your drapes and blinds closed as much as you can; this is one of the easiest measures you can take. Birds are often confused by reflections in windows and will fly towards them, thinking they’re flying towards an open space. By keeping curtains and blinds closed, you’ll reduce the chances of this happening. You can also try using window decals or stickers that reflect ultraviolet light, which is visible to birds but not humans. These decals will help birds recognize that there’s something solid in their path and avoid colliding with your windows.

Turn Any Lights off When Not in Use:

One simple way to help reduce bird-window collisions is by turning off lights when they are not in use. This is especially important at night since many birds are attracted to light sources and can become disoriented, leading them straight into windows. By reducing the light pollution around your home, you may be able to prevent some of these accidents from occurring.

Another effective method for preventing bird collisions is by installing window decals or films. These products create a visual barrier that makes it easier for birds to see the glass and avoid colliding with it.

 Install Slightly Tilted Windows: 

One solution that has proven effective in preventing bird-window collisions is installing slightly tilted windows. Such windows reduce reflection and glare from outside, making them less visible to birds, which reduces their chances of flying into them accidentally. Furthermore, slanting the glass makes it easier for birds to detect obstacles ahead by breaking up reflections in the glass surface.

Using Useful Products And Objects

Install Zen Curtains/ Acopian BirdSavers: 

Zen Curtains Acopian BirdSavers are a simple and effective way to prevent birds from flying into your windows. They consist of thin ropes that hang vertically in front of the glass surface, creating a barrier that alerts birds to avoid collision. These bird savers blend well with any decor and are easy to install on both residential and commercial buildings.

Installing Zen Curtains Acopian Bird Savers is easy and straightforward.

Hang Motion Sensor Lights In front of the Windows:

To begin with, motion sensor lights are an effective way to deter birds from flying into windows because they create an obstacle that alerts birds to the presence of something in their flight path. When activated by movement or light changes outside, these lights illuminate automatically and scare off any approaching birds. This makes them particularly useful at night, when many birds are active.

 Position Feeders and Baths 3 Feet Away: 

One of the best ways is by positioning feeders and baths at least 3 feet away from windows.
The idea behind this setup is that birds will have enough space to stop or change direction before reaching the window. That way, they won’t accidentally fly right into it as they try to land on their favorite feeder or splash around in their bath. By creating some distance between your windows and bird-friendly areas such as feeders and baths, you’ll reduce the risk of collisions significantly.

 Mount Wind Chimes Outside the Windows:

Mounting wind chimes outside of windows can be an effective solution to prevent birds from flying into them. Birds often mistake glass windows for open space, which can result in injuries or even death. This can be especially common during migration season, when birds are traveling long distances and may become disoriented by the reflection of the sky in the window.
The sound of wind chimes creates a noise barrier that helps alert birds to the presence of a solid object. Wind chimes also create movement and reflection, both of which can help break up the reflection on the window that confuses birds. When choosing wind chimes for this purpose, it’s important to select ones with a clear and distinct sound that will carry well outdoors.

 Hang Some Tree Branches

The logic behind hanging tree branches is pretty straightforward: it creates an obstacle between the window and the bird’s flight path, making it more likely that they’ll alter their course before hitting the glass. This not only helps protect birds from harm, but it also guards against high-speed accidents damaging your windows.
This approach might be exactly what you need to safeguard your feathery companions if you’ve tried other approaches in the past without much success.

Preventing Bird Window Strikes: Myths And Facts

Myth – 1: Black Stickers are More Visible than Others:

You may have heard the rumour that black stickers are more noticeable than others if you’re looking for a technique to prevent birds from flying into your windows.
Yet this isn’t always the case. While it’s important to choose a sticker that contrasts with the window, black may not be the best option.

In fact, recent studies have shown that UV-reflective or fluorescent stickers are much more effective at preventing bird strikes. These types of stickers reflect light in a way that’s more visible to birds and helps them perceive the window as an obstruction. Additionally, placing multiple stickers on the window in a grid pattern can increase their effectiveness.

Myth – 2: The Art of Invasive Birds Will Scare Smaller Birds:

The Art of Invasive Birds Will Scare Smaller Birds is one of the most common misconceptions when it comes to keeping birds away from your windows. While it can seem like a good idea to introduce more powerful or aggressive bird species to frighten away smaller ones, this tactic might actually backfire and cause more issues.

In fact, larger and invasive bird species such as crows, gulls, and pigeons can often be attracted by human activity and food sources around buildings. This means that introducing them can actually lead to an increase in bird populations rather than a decrease. Additionally, these larger birds are not necessarily effective at scaring off smaller ones, as many small songbirds may simply ignore them or adapt their behavior around them.

Myth – 3: One Sticker is Enough for One Window:

Firstly, birds are attracted to reflections and may not be able to distinguish between real trees and sky from reflections on the glass. Therefore, placing just one sticker at eye level won’t do much good at preventing collisions, as birds may still see their reflection in other parts of the window. Second, you might need more than one sticker to cover enough surface area for birds to see it from all sides, depending on the size of your window.

Myth – 4: Window Stickers are not Beautiful:

Window stickers are often deemed as a necessary eyesore, but what if we told you they could be beautiful?These stickers, which are frequently used to stop birds from flying into windows, have improved in appearance over time.
There are now many different styles that can both serve its intended purpose and add a stylish accent to your home.
Millions of birds perish each year as a result of bird crashes with windows, which is a severe issue.
You can contribute to avoiding these mishaps by putting window decals.

You’ll not only be helping the environment, but you’ll also be able to appreciate the new window decoration’s enhanced aesthetic appeal.
There’s no reason why window stickers can’t be useful and beautiful nowadays with all the alternatives available.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What Do I Do If A Bird Hits The Window?

Firstly, consider adding decals or stickers to your windows. These will break up the reflection of the sky or trees that birds may mistake as a clear path of flight. Be sure to place them on the outside of the glass and space them no more than 4 inches apart for maximum effectiveness. You could also try hanging ribbons or strings in front of the window to create movement that will signal to birds that there is an obstacle in their way.

Another option is installing window screens or netting over problematic areas, such as large picture windows or sliding doors.

Why Is A Bird Repeatedly Flying Into My Window?

Although it may appear odd, this behaviour is common.
Windows are frequently mistaken for open spaces by birds, who can repeatedly fly into them until they suffer harm or worse.

There are various things you may do to stop birds from flying into your windows if you’re unsure of how to solve this issue.
Decal placement on the outside of your window is the first thing you should think about doing. These decals help make the glass more visible to birds, which can reduce collisions significantly. You can find these decals online or at most home improvement stores in various designs and patterns. Another option is to install screens over your windows that limit the amount of reflective light that enters the room. This will also make it easier for birds to identify the glass as an obstacle.

Can An Ultraviolet Marker Prevent Birds From Hitting Windows?

The idea behind using ultraviolet markers is that they make the window visible to birds. Birds can see ultraviolet light, which makes certain materials appear differently to them than they do to humans. By applying an ultraviolet marker to your windows, you create a pattern or design in UV light that will alert birds to the presence of a solid object and reduce their likelihood of colliding with it.
There are still some concerns over the efficacy of this technique, despite the fact that it has showed some promise in lowering bird collisions.


Birds are beautiful creatures that add color and life to our surroundings. However, they tend to fly into windows, which can be a distressing sight for both the bird and the homeowner. Luckily, there are several ways to stop birds from flying into windows.

Firstly, homeowners can install window decals or films that create a visual barrier between the bird and the glass. These decals come in various shapes and sizes and mimic spider webs or other patterns that deter birds from flying towards them. Secondly, placing objects like wind chimes or reflective surfaces near your windows can also help deter birds from crashing into them. The reflection creates an illusion of movement that confuses the bird’s vision.

Additionally, you could install netting over your windows if you have repeat offenders who keep trying to fly through it.
This will shield your property from damage brought on by their collision, while simultaneously protecting them from harm.

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