
10 Birds That Look Like Eagles | Bald Eagle

Birds That Look Like Eagles: Did you know several other bird species closely resemble the iconic Bald Eagle? While the Bald Eagle is undoubtedly one of the most recognizable birds in North America, it is not the only one that can take your breath away with its majestic presence.

One of these birds is the Golden Eagle, which has a similar size and wingspan to the Bald Eagle. The Golden Eagle is found throughout much of North America and Eurasia and often inhabits mountainous regions. It has a distinctively golden-brown plumage on its head, neck, and nape area, giving it its name. Like the Bald Eagle, it preys on small mammals such as rabbits and rodents.

Another bird species that resembles an eagle is the Osprey.

One of the most interesting aspects of birdwatching is getting to know about birds that look like eagles. These crane-look-alike birds are majestic creatures with unique characteristics and behaviors that make them stand out from the rest.

Birds That Look Like Bald Eagles

Red-Tailed Hawk

10 Birds That Look Like Eagles | Bald Eagle

The beautiful Red-Tailed Hawk is a bird that resembles an eagle in many ways.

It is one of the most widespread hawks in North America and may be found in both woods and deserts.

These birds are renowned for having an exceptional vision that enables them to locate prey at considerable distances.

The Red-Tailed Hawk’s large wingspan, which may measure up to four feet across, is one of its most distinctive characteristics.

The birds may be easily identified as they soar through the sky because of their characteristic reddish-brown tails. They also have sharp nails and curved beaks that enable them to hunt prey efficiently.

Although they share many physical characteristics with eagles, Red-Tailed Hawks have unique behaviors and habits. For example, they often perch on high tree branches or telephone poles, scanning for potential meals below.


One of the most distinctive characteristics of the Red-Tailed Hawk is its keen eyesight. Its large eyes are adapted to detect even small movements from great distances, allowing it to spot potential prey from high above. Once it has targeted its prey, the hawk uses its powerful talons to capture and kill it precisely.

Another noteworthy feature of this majestic bird is its vocalization.


One of the most noticeable similarities between red-tailed hawks and eagles is their size. Both birds can have wingspans measuring over six feet, making them two of the largest raptors in North America. Additionally, both species possess sharp talons and powerful beaks designed for hunting and tearing through tough prey.

Another similarity between these two bird species is their preferred habitats. Red-tailed hawks can be found throughout much of North America, inhabiting a range of environments including forests, grasslands, deserts, and even urban areas.


Another difference is in their coloring. Brown in color on the back and wings, red-tailed hawks are named for their distinctive crimson tails. On the other hand, bald eagles have white head and tail feathers that contrast with their dark body feathers. This makes them easier to spot from afar than red-tailed hawks.

Despite these differences, both birds share many similarities. They’re fierce predators and skilled hunters who can take down prey much larger than themselves.

Turkey Vulture

Turkey Vultures are remarkable birds of prey that often get confused with eagles due to their similar appearance. Despite this, they are not closely related to eagles and have developed unique adaptations that make them effective scavengers. Turkey Vultures have a dark brown feather coloration on their wings and back, contrasting with their lighter-colored head and neck feathers.

One of the most distinguishing features of the Turkey Vulture is its bald red head, which is adapted to prevent bacterial growth from the carrion they consume during feeding. Their keen sense of smell allows them to locate dead animals from miles away, making them an important part of the ecosystem as natural garbage disposals.


One of the most notable characteristics of turkey vultures is their bald head. This adaptation helps them keep clean as they feed on carcasses since they don’t have feathers that could get dirty or infected. Furthermore, they have a superb vision and, with their sharp eyesight, can detect carrion from great distances. They also have a unique way of flying by tilting their wings and soaring for hours without flapping.


Due to their great size and dark brown feathers, turkey vultures are frequently mistaken for eagles.

With large wingspans and characteristic hooked beaks, they resemble bald eagles in silhouette.

From southern Canada to the southernmost tip of South America, eagle-like birds can be found all over North America.

Despite their similar appearances, there are some significant distinctions between turkey vultures and eagles. While eagles primarily hunt live prey, turkey vultures feed on carrion – dead animals found on the ground. Turkey vultures also have unique adaptations for scavenging, such as strong stomach acids that allow them to digest bacteria-ridden meat.


The size difference between eagles and turkey vultures is one of the most noticeable. While eagles can have wingspans exceeding seven feet, turkey vultures normally are smaller and have a wingspan of about six feet. Additionally, turkey vultures have distinctively long necks, which gives them a somewhat awkward appearance when they fly.

The behavior of these two bird species is a significant additional distinction. While eagles are known for being fierce predators that hunt other animals, turkey vultures prefer to scavenge on carrion.

Western Osprey

The majestic Western Osprey has a remarkable resemblance to an eagle, leading to frequent confusion. These birds are also known as fish hawks due to their peculiar hunting style, which involves diving into the water from heights up to 100 feet in search of fish. Around water features like rivers, lakes, and coastal locations are where you can find Western Ospreys.

The Western Osprey weighs about 2-4 pounds and has a wingspan of roughly 5-6 feet. Their plumage is predominantly brown with white underparts, while their heads have a distinct black eye patch that makes them easily recognizable. They have sharp talons and curved beaks that make them efficient hunters.

One interesting fact about the Western Osprey is that they are monogamous birds, meaning they mate for life.


However, several key characteristics distinguish the Western Osprey from other birds.

Firstly, unlike eagles with mostly brown or black bodies with white feathers on their head and tail, Western Ospreys have distinctive white heads and underparts with dark brown wings and back. This unique coloring allows them to blend seamlessly with the sky when hunting fish over water bodies like rivers, lakes or oceans.

Another distinguishing characteristic of the Western Osprey is its hooked beak, specially adapted for ripping apart fish scales and flesh. Additionally, they have sharp nails that can grip slippery fish even while flying at high speeds.


One similarity between the Western Osprey and eagles is their hunting behavior. They both hunt for fish, making them experts at diving into the water and emerging with their catch in their claws. Eagles prefer larger fish, while ospreys go after smaller ones, but they both have excellent eyesight, which helps them locate their prey from great distances.

Another similarity between these birds is that they are apex predators in their habitats. Eagles reign over forests, while ospreys rule over coastlines and other bodies of water.


Several notable differences between these two species make them distinct from one another.

One of the primary differences between eagles and Western Ospreys is size.

Ospreys only reach heights of around two feet and a wingspan of about five feet, but eagles can grow to heights of up to three feet and a wingspan of up to seven feet.

The color of these two birds is another distinction. Eagles typically have dark brown feathers on their backs and wings with white heads and tails. In contrast, Western Ospreys have brown and white feathers with distinctive black eye patches that give them a unique appearance. Additionally, while both birds are predators that hunt fish as their primary food source, eagles tend to catch larger prey than ospreys.

Prairie Falcon

Prairie falcons are magnificent birds that resemble eagles in appearance. These birds can be found all over western North America, from southern Canada to Mexico.

Its amazing speed and agility allow them to hunt for animals while soaring above vast plains.

The size of prairie falcons, which may reach up to 20 inches in length and a 45-inch wingspan, is one of their most distinguishing characteristics.

Their coloring resembles an eagle’s, with lighter-colored undersides and dark feathers covering their heads and backs. Their sharp talons make them skilled hunters who feed on small mammals such as rabbits and rodents.

Despite being powerful predators, prairie falcons have faced threats due to habitat loss and human activities such as pesticide use. However, conservation efforts have helped stabilize their population numbers in recent years.


However, prairie falcons have many unique characteristics that set them apart from their eagle counterparts.

One notable characteristic of prairie falcons is their size. They are smaller than eagles, measuring 14 to 19 inches long and 35 to 43 inches in wingspan.

Despite being little, they fly quite quickly and with great agility, allowing them to capture prey on the wing easily.

Another unique feature of prairie falcons is their coloration. Their backs and wings are typically brown or gray-brown, while their undersides are white or cream-colored with dark spots or bars.


Their aptitude for hunting is one of the main similarities between prairie falcons and eagles. Both birds are incredibly skilled hunters that use their sharp talons and powerful beaks to capture prey. They also share similar diets, feeding on small mammals, birds, and reptiles. This makes them formidable predators that can dominate their territory with ease.

Another similarity between these two birds is their nesting habits. Like eagles, prairie falcons build their nests in lofty locations like cliffs or towering trees.


The size of prairie falcons and eagles is one of their main distinctions.

Eagles can weigh up to 15 pounds and have a wingspan of more than 7 feet, unlike prairie falcons, which typically weigh less than 1 pound and have a wingspan of fewer than 3 feet. Another difference is their behavior; prairie falcons are known to be more aggressive hunters than eagles, often attacking larger prey such as ground squirrels and rabbits.

Despite these distinctions, it is understandable why someone may initially mistake a prairie falcon for an eagle.

Andean Condor

The Andean Condor is one of the world’s most impressive and majestic birds. It belongs to the family of vultures, but its appearance makes it look like an eagle or a hawk. This bird lives in the Andes mountains, from Venezuela to Chile.

The Andean Condor has a wingspan that can reach up to 10 feet, making it one of Earth’sEarth’s largest birds. Its body is covered with black feathers, and its head is featherless and colored red. The male condors have a distinctive frill of white feathers around their necks.

These birds are scavengers and feed on the carcasses of dead animals. They can locate their food by detecting chemicals emitted by decaying flesh from several miles away.


The Andean condor has distinct physical characteristics that make it stand out from other birds. Its head is bald and covered in black feathers; its neck region has white downy feathers, while its body has a mix of black and brown feathers. This bird’s enormous, hooked beak, which resembles an eagle’s beak somewhat, is its most distinctive trait. Its eyes are framed by a circle of bare skin that changes color depending on its mood.


One of the key similarities between eagles and Andean Condors is their size. Both birds are enormous and intimidating, with wingspans that occasionally exceed 10 feet. Also, eagles and condors are incredibly strong fliers, able to soar high above their territories for hours without tiring.

Another commonality between these two majestic creatures is their hunting prowess.


One such bird is the Andean condor, which shares many similarities with eagles but has some distinct differences. The first thing to note about the Andean condor is its size; it’s one of the largest flying birds on Earth, with a wingspan that can reach up to 10 feet.

Another key difference between Andean condors and eagles is their habitat. While eagles are found in various environments, including forests and mountains, Andean condors are exclusively found in the high-altitude regions of South America’s Andes Mountains. Additionally, while most eagles have sharp talons for hunting prey, Andean condors rely more on their powerful beaks to feed on carrion.

Black Kite

The Accipitridae family of raptors includes the Black Kite.

It is frequently found in portions of Africa, Asia, and Europe.

The Black Kite is around 60 cm long overall and has a wingspan of about 150 cm. Its body is covered with dark brown feathers and white patches under its wings.

Black Kites are often mistaken for eagles due to their similar appearance. They have strong, sharp claws, allowing them to catch their prey easily. These birds can identify prey at great distances thanks to their remarkable eyesight.

Insects, rodents, and other tiny creatures make up their main diet.

Black Kites are exceptionally adaptable organisms that can live in various situations, including cities and metropolitan regions, despite being considered birds of prey.


Black kites possess distinctive characteristics that make them easily identifiable. Their plumage is predominantly brown or black with white patches on the underparts and shoulder feathers. They have a forked tail that helps them swiftly maneuver through the air during hunting or flying. Their wingspan stretches up to 1 meter long.


One of the key similarities between Black Kites and eagles is their size. Both varieties of birds can grow to be fairly enormous, with wingspans of at least six feet.

Both species can catch prey using their razor-sharp talons and beaks. Regarding diet, Black Kites and eagles share a love for small mammals like rodents and rabbits and fish.

Another similarity between these two birds is their habitat preferences. Both eagles and Black Kites tend to live near water sources such as rivers or lakes, where they can hunt for fish.


Their sizes are one of the most obvious disparities.

Black Kites’ average wingspan is between 4 and 5 feet, considerably smaller than eagles’ bigger wingspan, which can exceed 7 feet. Additionally, while both birds have sharp beaks and talons used for hunting, eagles possess more powerful beaks capable of crushing bones.

Another difference lies in their hunting styles. Eagles hunt independently, swooping down from above to catch prey with powerful claws.

Northern Goshawk

The Northern Goshawk is a large bird of prey that resembles an eagle. One of the most stunning predators in the sky, this majestic bird has an aggressive glare and a pointed beak.

Given its size and look, it is understandable why many people mistake this bird for an eagle.

An extensive portion of North America, Europe, and Asia are home to the Northern Goshawk.

They are frequently spotted in woodlands, where they forage for small mammals like squirrels and rabbits.

They can easily capture their prey thanks to their large wingspan and speed.

In addition to its hunting skills, the Northern Goshawk is known for its striking appearance. Its slate-gray back feathers and white breast feathers stand out from other birds of prey in the sky.


The Northern Goshawk has several distinctive characteristics that set it apart from other birds of prey. Its wings are more maneuverable in flight than eagles’ because they are shorter and wider.

In addition, it differs from most other raptors in having longer legs and nails, which enable it to grab larger prey like rabbits and hares.

In addition to its physical traits, the Northern Goshawk has unique behaviors that make it stand out among birds of prey.


One such bird is the Northern Goshawk, which shares many similarities with its larger cousin but holds a unique beauty.

Like eagles, Northern Goshawks have broad wings that allow them to glide effortlessly for long distances. They also possess powerful legs and feet that enable them to capture prey mid-flight or on the ground. Their plumage is predominantly gray with darker streaks, similar to the coloring of some eagle species.

Despite their similarities in appearance, Northern Goshawks can be distinguished by their smaller size and shorter tail feathers.


One of the main differences between the Northern Goshawk and eagles is their hunting style. While eagles primarily hunt from above, swooping down to grab their prey, goshawks prefer to hunt from within the trees. They are agile fliers and can maneuver through dense forests in pursuit of their prey.

Black Vulture

The black vulture is one of the most fascinating and enigmatic birds in the world.

These winged species’ imposing stature, razor-sharp talons, and remarkable eyesight lead people to mistake them for eagles. However, several distinct characteristics set them apart from their eagle counterparts.

Firstly, the Black Vulture has a unique featherless head covered in rough skin instead of feathers. This adaptation helps them avoid bacterial infections when feeding on carrion. Secondly, they have broad wings with silver-gray feathers that reflect light in a distinctive pattern during flight. Thirdly, they have shorter tails than eagles, enabling them to maneuver more easily through tight spaces.

Despite their intimidating appearance, Black Vultures play an important role in maintaining balance within ecosystems as scavengers who feed on dead animals.


The black vulture’s keen eyesight, which allows it to find food from above, is an important trait. They have powerful paws that allow them to quickly swoop down to seize small prey items after seeing them from several hundred feet in the air. This bird’s keen sense of smell, which enables it to locate carrion at vast distances, is another distinguishing characteristic.


One striking similarity between black vultures and eagles is their impressive wingspan. Both birds have wide wingspans to fly effortlessly over long distances. Another shared attribute is their strong beaks, enabling them to tear flesh apart easily. These features make both birds efficient hunters or scavengers in their respective environments.

However, there are also noticeable differences between these two species.


Their color is another distinguishing feature between eagles and black vultures. As their name suggests, black vultures have predominantly dark feathers with grayish-white heads, while eagles have brown feathers with white heads. Black vultures also lack the characteristic golden or yellow eye color commonly found in most eagle species.

Northern Harrier

The Northern Harrier, often called the Marsh Hawk, is a type of bird that resembles an eagle remarkably.

Its broad wings and razor-sharp talons cause it to be mistaken for the more well-known bird of prey rather regularly.

Despite their outward similarity, these two gorgeous species differ greatly.

One of the most notable differences between Northern Harriers and Eagles is their behavior. While eagles are solitary hunters who prefer to hunt alone, harriers are more social creatures who often hunt in groups or pairs. Additionally, while eagles primarily feed on fish and small mammals like rodents, harriers prefer smaller prey such as songbirds and insects.

Despite these differences in behavior and diet, eagles and Northern Harriers play important roles in maintaining healthy ecosystems.


This bird’s eagle-like appearance, especially up close, is one of its defining features.

They can be identified, nonetheless, by their distinctive white rump patch that contrasts with their dark-colored feathers.

Whereas females have predominantly brown feathers with white streaks on the underside, males have grayish-brown feathers. With keen eyesight and exceptional hearing abilities, the Northern Harrier can spot small mammals such as rodents and rabbits from high above and swoop down to grab them in mid-flight.


The raptor bird known as the Northern Harrier has many characteristics in common with eagles. The Northern Harrier can be mistaken for an eagle due to its vast size and strong wingspan.

The bird resembles a small eagle thanks to its long tail and powerful build.

Apart from their physical similarities, the Northern Harrier and Eagles are birds of prey that hunt other animals for food. They have sharp talons that they use to grasp and kill their prey, making them efficient hunters in their respective habitats. The raptor bird known as the Northern Harrier has many characteristics in common with eagles. The Northern Harrier can be mistaken for an eagle due to its vast size and strong wingspan.

Another similarity between the Northern Harrier and Eagles is their ability to soar through the sky effortlessly. These birds use thermal currents to gain altitude without flapping their wings, conserving energy while searching for food or patrolling their territories.


The typical wingspan of northern harriers is roughly 40 inches, compared to the bald Eagle’s vast wingspan of up to 7 feet, making them significantly smaller than eagles.

The difference between the two species is one of the most obvious.

Another difference between these two species is their hunting style. While eagles typically hunt from high in the sky and swoop down on their prey with incredible speed, Northern Harriers have a more low-flying approach. They hunt tiny mammals like mice and voles by gliding over fields and marshes. They utilize their excellent senses to identify their prey before diving in for the kill.

Golden Eagle

Golden Eagles are magnificent birds of prey that belong to the family Accipitridae. They live in mountainous or rocky terrain and can be found throughout North America, Europe, and Asia. These majestic creatures have dark brown feathers and golden-brown plumage on their head and neck. When mature, they can have wingspans up to 7 feet long.

Other birds that resemble eagles but aren’t eagles include numerous others.

The Osprey, for instance, is commonly mistaken for an eagle despite belonging to a different family of birds because of its size and strong nails. The Northern Harrier is another bird that looks like an eagle from afar due to its similar build and hunting tactics; however, it has a distinct facial disc around its eyes.


One of the most distinctive characteristics of a Golden Eagle is its keen eyesight. These birds have an incredibly sharp vision which they use to hunt for prey from high altitudes. They also possess strong nails, allowing them to grasp onto their prey easily, making them formidable hunters in the wild.

These eagles are renowned for their hunting skills and unusual sounds, which can be heard ringing across valleys and mountainsides equally. Overall, it’s clear that Golden Eagles are truly remarkable creatures with a range of unique characteristics that make them one of nature’s most impressive creations.


One bird that is often mistaken for a Golden Eagle is the Bald Eagle. While they have some similarities, such as their large size and powerful beaks and talons, they also have distinct differences. Bald Eagles have white heads and tails, while Golden Eagles do not. Additionally, Bald Eagles tend to live near bodies of water, while Golden Eagles prefer mountainous regions.

Another bird that looks similar to a Golden Eagle is the Harpy Eagle. Like the Golden Eagle, it has a powerful build and sharp talons for hunting prey.


Several other birds look like golden eagles but have some distinct differences. For instance, the bald Eagle’s head and tail feathers are white rather than the golden-brown color of the Golden Eagle.

The young bald Eagle, whose mottled brown and white plumage may differentiate, is an additional species frequently confused with a golden eagle.

Final Words

Birds that look like eagles are a popular topic among bird watchers and animal enthusiasts alike.

These birds are amazing predators because they resemble eagles in their huge wingspan, curved beaks, and strong talons.

Although these birds seem similar and have similar hunting abilities, they each have distinctive qualities that separate them from eagles. For example, hawks are known for their keen eyesight and agility in flight, while ospreys primarily feed on fish. Falcons are renowned for their speed and ability to catch prey mid-air. On the other hand, Kites are known for their graceful flying patterns.

In conclusion, while many birds may look like eagles at first glance, it is important to appreciate the distinct qualities of each species.

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